Social Responsibility

Icetanker is strive to operate in a manner that is safe for both people and the environment.Our efforts to achieve these goals are supported by a broad range of
existing policies and practices, and we are actively  
engaged in long-term planning
to enhance our safety and environmental performance in the future.
Reducing CO2, NOx and SOx emissions through increased efficiency is one of the key objectives of Icetanker’s Energy Management Project. The project has completed on 1st Of January 2013 effort to improve the energy efficiency of the existing Icetanker fleet. Actions include tuning engines for optimal performance, using travelling specialists to analyse ship performance and provide best-practices guidance to crews, smoothing hulls and propellers to reduce resistance, lowering sailing speeds, making more efficient use of shipboard heating and other operating systems, optimising voyage planning, and working with crews to increase efficiency awareness. Actions to date have already reduced the fleet’s fuel consumption by a significant amount. Looking to the future, innovative parcel tanker designs now on the drawing board will deliver substantial long-term fuel efficiencies. As part of its overall efforts to improve its environmental performance.
Icetanker recognises that training is the key to safety and environmental performance. From captains to cadets. Senior officers are evaluated through specialised assessment programmes to ensure they possess both the qualifications and the traits needed for the job. Officers receive leadership training to ensure they are fully equipped to manage the crews and ships to Icetanker’s rigorous specifications. Cadets are handpicked from leading maritime schools using a screening process to identify those with competencies best suited to the specific demands of parcel tanker operations. Training, both ashore and at sea, is a continuous process that reduces incidents and increases performance at Icetanker.